Minced Fresh Ginger

If you are going the way of mincing up and chopping your fresh ginger root (peeled fresh ginger root), just take your peeled segment of the ginger root and cut it across the grain into slices. Thicker slices if you want more stand-alone flavor of the individual pieces of fresh ginger root in your recipe and thinner slices if you want more blended flavors of the fresh ginger in your recipe.ginger_tablespoonCoarsely Minced Fresh Ginger Root

For our jumbo prawn recipes in the wok, we coarsely mince the peeled fresh ginger root and then combine it with the coarsely chopped fresh garlic and the fermented black beans and then do a final chopping to comingle the three together.


Visit DiabeticLifeDiet.com Dietary Control of Type 2 Diabetes Website.
Visit the wok.recipes.jumboprawn.com wok recipe Website.